HYROX Yokohama | Season 25/26
2025 年 8 月 9 日に横浜のパシフィコでトレーニングしてきた成果を発揮できるレースに参加しましょう。 1km のランニング8回と 8 つのワークアウト ステーションに挑戦する準備をしましょう - 挑戦を受け入れる準備はできていますか?
HYROX は誰もが楽しめる競技です。
HYROX のランニングとファンクショナル フィットネスの組み合わせは、あらゆるタイプのアスリートを #HYROXFAMILY に招待します。あなたが HYROX の経験豊富な参加者であろうと、初めての参加者であろうと、これは自分自身に挑戦し、決意をテストし、自分の強さを示し、逆境を克服するチャンスです。
選択はあなた次第です: HYROX Open/Pro で個人で競争するか、HYROX Doubles/Doubles Pro で仲間と助け合いながら競争するか、または 3 人の仲間を集めて HYROX リレーに挑戦するかです。
HYROX, the world's biggest indoor fitness race has finally touched down in Japan!
Join us at Pacifico, Yokohama on the 9th of August 2025 for the race that you've been training for. Get ready to take on 8 x 1km of running plus 8 workout stations - Are you ready to accept the challenge?
HYROX is a competition for everybody.
The HYROX combination of running and functional fitness invites athletes of all types to join the #HYROXFAMILY. Whether you’re a seasoned HYROX competitor or it’s your very first time, this is your chance to challenge yourself, test your determination, showcase your strength, and overcome adversity.
The choice is yours: compete solo in HYROX Open/Pro, share the load with a mate in HYROX Doubles/Doubles Pro, or grab 3 buddies and take on the HYROX relay.
Don't miss out, register now!
HYROX is the global fitness race for everybody, where each event follows the exact same race format, allowing for a comparable global leaderboard for all athletes. The race format starts with a 1km run, followed by 1 functional workout, repeated 8 times. With all global races taking place in large indoor venues, a unique stadium-like atmosphere with an incomparable race experience is created for all athletes.